Purpose Capital invests in Maungaturoto Solar Farm

Purpose Capital invests in Maungaturoto Solar Farm

Purpose Capital has partnered with Harbour Infrastructure and Tupu Tonu (Ngāpuhi Investment Fund), to provide equity funding for a 21MW solar farm project in Maungaturoto, Northland. The site is expected to generate around 32GWh of electricity per annum, which is...

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Response to the Second Emissions Reduction Plan

Response to the Second Emissions Reduction Plan

As Impact Investment Fund Managers, it’s important that Purpose Capital comments on the New Zealand Government’s Second Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP2), especially as related to scaling private investment in emissions reduction. Our key recommendations are that the...

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Impact Principles Disclosure Statement

Impact Principles Disclosure Statement

The Operating Principles for Impact Management (Impact Principles) is hosted by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), the leading industry body for Impact Investing globally.   The Impact Principles help investors ensure that impact is integrated throughout the...

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Purpose Capital Consortium invests $10M in Lodestone Energy

Purpose Capital Consortium invests $10M in Lodestone Energy

Lodestone Energy is pioneering, at a significant scale, utility-scale solar agri-voltaics in New Zealand. Upon completion, Lodestone’s solar electricity generated across its five farms will increase solar generation in New Zealand by 8 times the 2021 levels. Once it...

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Purpose Capital Wins Best Impact Investment Fund Award

Purpose Capital Wins Best Impact Investment Fund Award

At the recent annual Mindful Money Awards in Auckland, the Purpose Capital Impact Fund won the 2022 Best Impact Investment Fund award. The Mindful Money Awards celebrate the role that ethical and impact investing are playing in making money a force for good. They...

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EECA GIDI Private Finance Pilot | Purpose Capital 

EECA GIDI Private Finance Pilot | Purpose Capital 

EECA (the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority) has commenced a private finance pilot with participating financial providers to help unlock the finance required for valuable decarbonisation projects to move forward.  Purpose Capital has been selected to...

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Impact Investment Fund Tackles the Housing Crisis

Impact Investment Fund Tackles the Housing Crisis

Tauranga is set to receive a much-needed increase in supply of affordable, healthy, and well-located homes that put social and environmental needs at the forefront thanks to impact investment fund, Purpose Capital, it’s partners, and specialist build-to-rent company...

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The Degrowth Opportunity

The Degrowth Opportunity

In late 2021, Purpose Capital, Executive Director, Bill Murphy collaborated with Jennifer Wilkins to publish a tentative white paper, Investing In Degrowth. This paper received a great response and showed there is genuine interest in degrowth within the business...

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Air Pollution: A Far Deadlier Killer Than COVID-19? 

Air Pollution: A Far Deadlier Killer Than COVID-19? 

Fossil fuels pollute the earth – So what? It’s normal... Right?  Most of us understand that fossil fuels have a dramatic negative impact on the environment and are accelerators of climate change.   However, many of us fail to comprehend the urgency and enormity of the...

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Investing in Degrowth

Investing in Degrowth

Many of us now accept that humanity is operating in a way that is causing climate change, increasing inequality and a more precarious future for our children. That way of operating is called growth, endless growth. But what’s the alternative? How can you invest in...

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Calling for Investable Climate Solutions!

Calling for Investable Climate Solutions!

You are implementing an important environmental or climate related solution. You are ready to expand and scale it to make a real difference as part of your existing or new business/project. But you need investment and additional smarts. You want investors that share...

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Growth and Doughnuts

Growth and Doughnuts

Things are ‘out of whack’ seems a fair summary of our state of affairs. Climate change, economic inequality, mass migration, conflict and human unhappiness. If our economic and political systems are supposed to prevent or address these things, clearly, they aren’t. Of...

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ESG and Beyond

ESG and Beyond

At this point I’m sure most of us have heard about ESG. Here’s one definition:ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. Investors are increasingly applying these non-financial factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth...

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Major Investors

Our sincere gratitude to the following Major Investors.